My Daughter's PictureAvi in close up

 In this site, you can meet Avi, my beloved daughter
Her full name is Aviannisa Putri Hadi
She was born in Jakarta, 26th March, 1995
She likes singing very much, in our home Karaoke
She loves collecting Looney Tunes', Disney's, and Sesame Street's characters

Avi has been gathering an Islamic playgroup since September 1997!


Following her mom who is studying at the University of Wisconsin - Madison, U.S.A., Avi had been moving to the U.S.A for about four months, from August to December 1998.  She enrolled at the Eagle Heights' Community Center's Child Care, Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A.  You can see how was she doing in Madison with her mom.


From sets of frame below, you can see the latest picture of Avi in her many actions and style! Check them out!

 You may click any of the following thumbnail photos of Aviannisa Putri Hadi

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